Politicians & Government Organisations in New Zealand
Below are lists of Politicians in their respective roles in Parliament and its relation to Foreign Affairs.
All New Zealand Politicans can be found at this link - www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/members-of-parliament/
The Parliament phone number is 04 817 9999 where you can call Politicians or their parliamentary secretaries.
Feel free to email or call any of them on any Issue feel fit to on the Palestine/Israel issue.
Always ask a question in your email so that the Politician has to reply.
If you don't receive an acknowledgement to an email within 24 hours, Call their secretary and ask if he/she has received the email. A reply from the actual MP usually takes 3 - 4 weeks. If you have not heard back in that time frame, give them a call. After all, they work on Our behalf. You deserve an answer! Scoll down for more.
All New Zealand Politicans can be found at this link - www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/members-of-parliament/
The Parliament phone number is 04 817 9999 where you can call Politicians or their parliamentary secretaries.
Feel free to email or call any of them on any Issue feel fit to on the Palestine/Israel issue.
Always ask a question in your email so that the Politician has to reply.
If you don't receive an acknowledgement to an email within 24 hours, Call their secretary and ask if he/she has received the email. A reply from the actual MP usually takes 3 - 4 weeks. If you have not heard back in that time frame, give them a call. After all, they work on Our behalf. You deserve an answer! Scoll down for more.
New Zealand Politicians and their Responsibilities
Party Leadership
Prime Minister Minister of Foreign Affairs Co Leader Green Party Co Leader Green Party Leader of National Party ACT Party Leader |
Jacinda Ardern Nanaia Mahuta Marama Davidson James Shaw Chris Luxon David Seymour |
Labour Party Labour Party Green Party Green Party National Party ACT Party |
Foreign Affairs Committee
Jenny Salisa - Chair Gerry Browlee - Dep. Chair Golriz Ghahraman Ingrid Leary Todd McClay Ibriham Omer |
Labour Party National Party Green Party Labour Party National Party Labour Party |
Panmure-Ōtāhuhu List List Taieri Rotorua List |
National Party Friends of Israel
In 2017, the new Government rolled the original Parliamentary Friends of Israel Group into the new Parliamentary Friendship Group - Middle East and Africa.
That didn't please some MP's who seem to have a strong attraction to Israel and its actions in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. That is why they rejected being part of the larger formal group, Friendship Group - Middle East and Africa, and demanded to re-set up the Singular Pro Israel Friendship Group.
In 2019, this was again rejected by Parliament and now the Parliamentary Friendship group - New Zealand - Middle East and Africa is in action.
That didn't please some MP's who seem to have a strong attraction to Israel and its actions in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. That is why they rejected being part of the larger formal group, Friendship Group - Middle East and Africa, and demanded to re-set up the Singular Pro Israel Friendship Group.
In 2019, this was again rejected by Parliament and now the Parliamentary Friendship group - New Zealand - Middle East and Africa is in action.
Parliamentary Friendship group - New Zealand - Middle East and Africa
This link to this group is located here - https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/parliamentary-relations/friendship-groups/new-zealand-middle-east-and-africa/
This link to this group is located here - https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/parliamentary-relations/friendship-groups/new-zealand-middle-east-and-africa/
The New Zealand Super Fund
Previously, the New Zealand Super Fund invested in Israeli Banks. Those banks were recognised as enablers of Illegal Settlement development by funding the developers. Under International Law, the actions of Israel building Illegal Sellements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is the crime or "Pillage".
The Current Chief Executive Officer of the New Zealand superfund is Matt Whineray who Refused to review looking at Israeli Banks in respect to the crime of Pillage.
Subsequently, the Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson, ordered the Superfund to divest from Israeli banks which they did.
The New Zealand Super Fund's Position:
The New Zealand Super Fund believed that the Israeli Banks, because they are not directly involved in Building the Illegal Buildings in Settlements, were far enough removed from the crime of Pillage and Refused to Divest from them:
BDS New Zealand's Position:
We Reccommend:
Take action to insist that the New Zealand Super Fund, working on behalf of All New Zealanders, distance themselves from the Israeli businesses
Previously, the New Zealand Super Fund invested in Israeli Banks. Those banks were recognised as enablers of Illegal Settlement development by funding the developers. Under International Law, the actions of Israel building Illegal Sellements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is the crime or "Pillage".
The Current Chief Executive Officer of the New Zealand superfund is Matt Whineray who Refused to review looking at Israeli Banks in respect to the crime of Pillage.
Subsequently, the Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson, ordered the Superfund to divest from Israeli banks which they did.
The New Zealand Super Fund's Position:
The New Zealand Super Fund believed that the Israeli Banks, because they are not directly involved in Building the Illegal Buildings in Settlements, were far enough removed from the crime of Pillage and Refused to Divest from them:
- "Whilst financial accompaniment for any property development project is always necessary, our focus is on the company with primary responsibility for the activity. Extending the boundaries of our exclusion policy to companies whose involvement is less direct, including the provision of bank financing, given the range of activities to which our exclusions apply, would increase the number of companies captured to such an extent as to make our exclusion policy unworkable"
- "In your letter you request assurance that none of the Israeli banks the Fund is invested in are involved in pillage, or in any other contravention of international conventions or law. We do not provide legal assurances regarding the activity of companies."
BDS New Zealand's Position:
- Israeli banks are supplying the funds which are necessary for settlements to be built.
- Building Settlements is recognised as "Pillage" under International Law and as such, are a Crime against Humanity - in the 4th Geneva Conventions.
- The New Zealand Super Fund should Not have been involved in enabling the War Crime of Pillage
- The no longer do
- But the New Superfund continues to invest in Israeli companies which support enforcing Israeli Apartheid.
We Reccommend:
Take action to insist that the New Zealand Super Fund, working on behalf of All New Zealanders, distance themselves from the Israeli businesses
- The Current Chief Executive Officer of the New Zealand superfund is Matt Whineray. You can email him here with "Attn Matt Whineray - Israels involvement with Israeli companies"

letter_israeli_investments_neil_scott_26_july_2018__2_.pdf |